Alzheimer / Dementia inclusive Tour of Kilkenny Castle
Saor in aisce
This tour will run over the course of three dates, please see below for all dates and times.
6th June at 3.30pm
16th September at 3.45pm
21st December at 10am
Caisleán Chill Chainnigh
Kilkenny Castle is delighted to offer an Alzheimer / Dementia inclusive tour over the course of three dates on 6th June, 16th September and 21st December at 10am. These free tours are aimed at people living with Alzheimers and Dementia and their families and supporters. This is an opportunity to explore the period rooms and chat about the artworks and history of the Castle in a friendly environment with our trained facilitators Kate and James.
This event is free of charge but requires advance booking: contact to reserve your places
Tabhair cuairt anseo
Suite i gCathair Chill Chainnigh
Roghnaigh modh taistil