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Oidhreacht Éireann

Biodiversity Week 2022 Events on Sunday 15th May at Phoenix Park


Saor in aisce


Please scroll down to see details of events being held on Sunday 15th May 2022.


Páirc an Fhionnuisce agus Lárionad Bithéagsúlachta

Deer in Phoenix Park
  1. Mammals of the Phoenix Park 12pm – OPW Guide. Biodiversity Centre

A walk and talk about mammals that use the Phoenix Park as their natural habitat.

  1. Native Trees of the Furry Glen 1pm – OPW Guide. Biodiversity Centre

A walk and talk on the different species of Native tree to be found in the Phoenix Park.

  1. Native Wildflowers of the Furry Glen 2pm – OPW Guide. Biodiversity Centre

A walk and talk on the Native Wildflowers of the Phoenix Park.

  1. Native Birds of the Furry Glen 3pm – OPW Guide. Biodiversity Centre

A walk and talk on the Birds that can be found in the Phoenix Park.

  1. Biodiversity of the Furry Glen 3pm – OPW Guide. Biodiversity Centre

A walk and talk looking at the Biodiversity of the Phoenix Park.


Phoenix Park parkland
Phoenix Park parkland
Phoenix Park People's Garden flowerbed


Baile Átha Cliath 8
D08 Y304

01 821 3021

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