Rhododendron Week 2025
Saor in aisce
Garraithe Náisiúnta na Lus Cill Mhochura
Rhododendron Week is an annual event in the calendar, when we showcase the highlights of the collection and explore the stories behind them. This year we have a series of events happening every day throughout the week. There will be guided walking tours and video stories – ‘Rhododendron Tales from the Gardens’ featuring the staff at the National Botanic Gardens Kilmacurragh.
Dates: 7th - 13th April 2025
Tabhair cuairt anseo
Timpeall 5km den N11 Bóthar Bhaile Átha Cliath go Loch Garman ag teach tábhairne an Beehive
Roghnaigh modh taistil