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Oidhreacht Éireann

Grange Stone Circle

A Bronze Age stone circle set within the magnificent Lough Gur landscape

Unguided sites

Contae Luimnigh

Grange Stone Circle

A Bronze Age stone circle set within the magnificent Lough Gur landscape

Unguided sites

Contae Luimnigh


Grange Stone Circle

The Grange Stone Circle in Limerick is a remarkable symbol of the Bronze Age. This 4,000-year-old circular enclosure, the largest of its kind in Ireland, is composed of 113 contiguous standing stones.

The circle's near-perfect shape and the discovery of a posthole in its centre suggests it was meticulously measured from a central stake with a rope. The stones and the entrance-way were aligned with the sunset on the festival of Samhain in early November.

Grange Stone Circle is more than an architectural marvel, it's a window into the past. Excavations have unearthed thousands of shards of broken beaker pots, animal bones, and other objects, suggesting the circle was used for sacred rituals.

Today, it stands as a monument to the past, offering visitors a unique insight into the lives and beliefs of the Bronze Age people who built it. Grange Stone Circle is not just a collection of stones it is a piece of Ireland's rich and ancient heritage.

Visit Historic Environment Viewer for more information on Grange Stone Circle

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This national monument is protected in accordance with the National Monuments Acts 1930 to 2014

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