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Oidhreacht Éireann

Farrannahineeny Stone Row

Standing stones with a connection to the sun

Unguided sites

Contae Chorcaí

Farrannahineeny Stone Row

Standing stones with a connection to the sun

Unguided sites

Contae Chorcaí


WARNING: It should be noted that these sites are unguided and a level of care and caution should be maintained during all stages of your visit. The Office Of Public Works (OPW) will not be held responsible for any damages, injuries, or losses that occur

Farrannahineeny Stone Row

The Farrannahineeny Stone, a quintessential part of Ireland's cultural heritage, stands as a testament to our ancestors' ingenuity and reverence for nature. This stone row, composed of five stones, is a marvel of precision and alignment, a silent tribute to the astronomical knowledge of our forebears.

The tallest stone, reaching 2.6m, aligns with the summer solstice sunset, a celestial event that must have held great significance for the people who erected this monument. The site, atop a hill, offers panoramic views, a reminder of our ancestors' deep connection with the land and the sky.

The Farrannahineeny Stone is not just a monument, but a cultural artefact, a tangible link to our shared past. It is a symbol of unity, a testament to the interwoven history of Ireland and its people. As we preserve and study the Farrannahineeny Stone, we are not just preserving a monument, but a piece of our cultural heritage.

In the face of the passage of time, the Farrannahineeny Stone stands resolute, a beacon of our cultural heritage and a reminder of our roots. It is a symbol of our enduring connection to the land and its history.

Visit Historic Environment Viewer for more information on Farrannahineeny Stone Row

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This national monument is protected in accordance with the National Monuments Acts 1930 to 2014

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