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Heritage Ireland

Ardfert Cathedral Highlights (3)

  1. The Story of the Cathedral

    The Story of the Cathedral

    Take a guided tour of the sublime cathedral building. As you explore, listen to exciting stories associated with St Brendan, who founded a monastery here in the sixth century. Find out all about Brendan’s legendary voyage in search of the Island of Paradise how he became known as ‘The Navigator’.

  2. Amazing Stonework

    Amazing Stonework

    On display in the transept are a selection of impressive stone effigies and carvings, as well as an ancient ogham stone. Observe the magnificence of the Romanesque West Door and remark on its parallels with Cormac’s Chapel on the Rock of Cashel.

  3. Architectural Archetypes

    Architectural Archetypes

    There are two smaller churches at Ardfert that you won’t want to miss. The Romanesque Temple na Hoe, adjacent to the cathedral, is an excellent example of late Romanesque architecture. See the fifteenth-century Temple na Griffin with its bell-cote which was removed in the seventeenth century and recently replaced.

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