Discover Derrynane
Free of charge
09/06/2023 - 11/06/2023
Daniel O’Connell House – Derrynane House
‘Discover Derrynane’ is a weekend family festival that celebrates the rich natural and cultural heritage of Derrynane and the surrounding community of South Kerry.
The festival, which is curated, programmed and funded by the OPW, has an action-packed programme of free activities, walks, talks and tours for all ages.
Please click HERE for a full programme of events
Many of the activity providers are based locally and topics include everything from marine life and children’s activities to poetry, art, wildlife and heritage walks, talks and tours, plus many more. In 2023 we are delighted to include some Irish language activities in conjunction with Brí Uíbh Ráthaigh, the South Kerry Language Plan.
The festival runs from the afternoon of Friday 9th June to Sunday 11th June and is a wonderful opportunity to ‘Discover Derrynane’ and its special landscape and culture.
Most of Daniel O’Connell’s historic demesne at Derrynane now forms Derrynane National Historic Park and is under the management of the Heritage Services section of the OPW. The 300 hectares of lands are rich in natural and cultural heritage and include beautiful gardens, extensive coastline and beaches, natural oak woodland and archaeological sites.
Please click HERE for a full programme of events

Getting Here
3.5km from Caherdaniel – off N70 – ‘Ring of Kerry’.
Click the relevant icon below to open Maps directions