Irish Sign Language Tours: Brú Na Boinne- Knowth & Newgrange
Free of charge
Sign Language Tours will take place on 21/5, 26/6 and 31/7/2022.
Advance booking is essential as places are limited.
For more details see text below.
Brú na Bóinne Visitor Centre: Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth
Free ISL Tours will take place on the following dates:
Saturday 21st May 12:15 pm
Sunday 26th June 11:15 am
Sunday 31st July 11:15 am
Places are limited and advance booking is essential.
Bookings available at

Getting Here
Brú na Bóinne Visitor Centre is the starting point for all visits to Newgrange and Knowth. Do not go directly to the monuments as you will not gain entry. Visitors are brought via shuttle bus to the monuments
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