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Heritage Ireland

Murrisk Augustinian Abbey

Ruins of an Augustinian Friary in the shadow of Croagh Patrick

Unguided sites



Access available during daylight hours

Murrisk Augustinian Abbey

Ruins of an Augustinian Friary in the shadow of Croagh Patrick

Unguided sites



Access available during daylight hours


  • Car park


Murrisk Abbey is a state-owned free site in the care of the Office of Public Works

Murrisk Augustinian Abbey

Situated in the scenic location of Clew Bay, with Croagh Patrick as an impressive backdrop, lies the ruins of Murrisk Abbey.

Established around 1456 by Hugh O’Malley, a Gaelic Chieftain, for the Augustinian friars, Murrisk was dedicated to St. Patrick, and was said to have held some of his relics. It also marked the start of the Croagh Patrick pilgrimage.

The small church and the surrounding domestic buildings are what remain of the abbey today.

Protect our Past - Click here to read about the importance of protecting our country’s unique heritage sites

This national monument is protected in accordance with the National Monuments Acts 1930 to 2014

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