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Heritage Ireland

Glendalough Monastic Site and Visitor Centre Highlights (5)

  1. An Audiovisual Journey

    An Audiovisual Journey

    Sit back and experience our captivating audiovisual show about the monasteries of Ireland. Discover how St Kevin, one of Ireland’s most revered saints, began his foundation at Glendalough, and how it developed into one of the most famous religious centres in Europe.

  2. Model Monuments

    Model Monuments

    Examine our 3D diorama, which reconstructs the ‘Monastic City’ as it is thought to have looked in the twelfth century. See if you can spot the key features of the site, including the round tower, medieval stone churches, decorated crosses, authentic dwelling houses and farming enclosures.

  3. A Towering Testament

    A Towering Testament

    The splendid 30-metre round tower is perhaps the most visually striking of all the monuments at Glendalough. As you visit this majestic building, consider what it must have been like to keep watch for approaching enemies inside it, to take refuge from attack there, or to catch sight of it from afar, rising from the heart of the valley, and realise that your long and arduous pilgrimage is nearing its end.

  4. The Two Lakes

    The Two Lakes

    Take a leisurely stroll around the two magnificent lakes that give Glendalough its name and see why this location is renowned as one of the most picturesque in Ireland. See the mountains reflected in calm blue water on a summer’s day, watch the autumn mist rising off the lakes or enjoy the stillness of a snowy vista. Whenever you visit, be certain that you will find the scenery breathtaking.

  5. The Spinc Walk

    The Spinc Walk

    If, like St Kevin himself, you yearn for the chance of solace and contemplation in the tranquillity of a mountain setting, the Spinc Walk will reward you well. An excellently maintained 10 kilometre loop trail, the Spinc Walk is an excellent way to take in the unique atmosphere of this beautiful valley. Follow the quality waymarking along the north side of the Upper Lake, past the old mining village, along a rocky trail along the Glenealo Falls and along the ridge overlooking the glen.

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