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Athcarne White Cross

A memorial cross from a wife to her husband

Unguided sites

Reask, Duleek Lower

Athcarne White Cross

A memorial cross from a wife to her husband

Unguided sites

Reask, Duleek Lower


Athcarne Cross is a state-owned National Monument in the care of the Office of Public Works

Athcarne White Cross

Erected around 1600, this roadside cross acts as a memorial to William Bathe from his loving wife, Dame Jennet Dowdall.

William Bathe was the Justice of the Common Pleas (Court of Common Law) from 1581 and died in 1599. William was Jennet Dowdall’s third husband.

On the front of the sandstone cross, facing the road, is an image of the crucifixion, while on the back is an image of the Madonna and child, with the shield arms of the Bathe and Dowdall families at the bottom.

According to a proceedings meeting in 1916, the cross was built into the gable of a derelict cottage, and was one of three crosses in the area that were erected by Jennet for her husband. The other two were a high cross at Annesbrooke Demesne, and another at Duleek.

Athcarne White Cross was conserved as a National Monument in 1935.

Athcarne Castle was also connected to the Bathe/Dowdall’s, as it was built in 1590 for William.

Visit Historic Environment Viewer for more information on Athcarne Cross

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This national monument is protected in accordance with the National Monuments Acts 1930 to 2014

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