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Heritage Ireland

Boleycarrigeen Ringfort and Ogham Stone

Hidden within the forests of Wicklow

Unguided sites


Boleycarrigeen Ringfort and Ogham Stone

Hidden within the forests of Wicklow

Unguided sites



Boleycarrigeen Ringfort and Ogham Stone are National Monuments in state guardianship

*This Monument exists within a wooded area, caution is advised*

WARNING: It should be noted that these sites are unguided and a level of care and caution should be maintained during all stages of your visit. The Office Of Public Works (OPW) will not be held responsible for any damages, injuries, or losses that occur

Boleycarrigeen Ringfort and Ogham Stone

Situated among the hills of Wicklow lies Boleycarrigeen Ringfort, or ‘Crossoona Rath’, as it is also known. Located on a slope within forestry, the ringfort houses the remains of two drystone structures, which were likely once hut sites.

An Ogham Stone is situated within the confines of this Ringfort, and contains the inscription ‘VOTI’. This inscribed stone was discovered by the antiquarian Liam Price.

Today, the site is under a Preservation Order, which means there is a legal obligation to preserve this monument due to its historical importance.

Visit Historic Environment Viewer for more information on Boleycarrigeen Ringfort & Ogham Stone

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This national monument is protected in accordance with the National Monuments Acts 1930 to 2014

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