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Heritage Ireland

Cahervagliar Ringfort

Fortress of the Kings

Unguided sites

Cappeen West

Cahervagliar Ringfort

Fortress of the Kings

Unguided sites

Cappeen West


Cahervagliar is a state-owned National Monument in the care of the Office of Public Works


Cahervagliar Ringfort

Cahervagliar Ringfort is a testament to the country's rich archaeological heritage. Located 5.3 km south-southeast of Kilmichael, it is a bivallate ringfort, with a diameter of 73 m and a lintelled stone entrance to the east.

The name Cahervagliar, meaning "stone ringfort of sons of Lóegaire", hints at its historical significance. It was the fortress of the Cenél Lóegairi, kings in central Ireland. However, they did not build the fort, as they did not arrive until after 1172. Ringforts of this type were mostly built c. AD 550–900.

The fort's internal structure comprised wooden huts that housed people. Local lore claims that Brian Boru, the High King of Ireland, was once held hostage here.

Cahervagliar Ringfort, with its historical narrative and unique architecture, offers a fascinating glimpse into Ireland's past and the cultural heritage of the Gaelic Ireland.

Visit Historic Environment Viewer for more information on Cahervagliar

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This national monument is protected in accordance with the National Monuments Acts 1930 to 2014


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