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Heritage Ireland

Teampall Chiaráin (The Temple of St. Ciarán)

A monument containing the cure to sore limbs

Unguided sites


Teampall Chiaráin (The Temple of St. Ciarán)

A monument containing the cure to sore limbs

Unguided sites



  • Slippery Surfaces
  • Uneven Surfaces
  • Uneven walkways


Teampall Chiaráin is a state-owned National Monument in the care of the Office of Public Works

*Safety Information: The ground at this site is uneven, and may be slippery in wet weather. Take care if you are crossing field boundaries and please keep your distance from any livestock.*

WARNING: It should be noted that these sites are unguided and a level of care and caution should be maintained during all stages of your visit. The Office Of Public Works (OPW) will not be held responsible for any damages, injuries, or losses that occur

Teampall Chiaráin (The Temple of St. Ciarán)

Teampall Chiaráin (‘the temple of St. Ciarán’) is located in the townland of Mainistir, a place name which records the presence of a substantial monastery. The church is said to have been founded in the 6th century by Ciarán, a student of St. Éanna’s. Today the site is dominated by the remains of a medieval church. However, excavations have revealed a long history of activity at this site; a late Iron Age hearth (c. A.D. 200) was discovered underneath the remains of an early Christian church. This church was in turn replaced by the current church in the early 12th century, which prospered until the 16th century. The beautiful narrow window in the east wall of the church was probably inserted in the 13th century.

Beside the church is an upright slab of limestone with a hole bored through the top, featuring an expertly carved circle and cross. This may have been a sundial, used to mark the hours of the day at which prayers would be recited by the monks. Local tradition states that any piece of fabric passed through the hole will cure sore limbs.

The fields to the west and north of the church contain a number of cross inscribed stones, which probably date from the period of the earlier church. They may have marked the boundary within which sanctuary could be claimed. To the west of the church is Tobair an Bhradáin, the well of the salmon, from which it is said a giant miraculous fish emerged to feed St. Éanna and his followers.

Visit Historic Environment Viewer for more information on Teampall Chiaráin

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This national monument is protected in accordance with the National Monuments Acts 1930 to 2014

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