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Carrickdexter Cross
This wayside cross was erected circa 1607 by Dame Jennet Dowdall for her second husband, Oliver Plunket, the Baron of Louth. There is another cross in Meath, Athcarne White Cross, that was also erected by Dowdall for her second husband. This cross was made as part of a pair, the other of which exists at Louth Hall in Tallanstown.
Carrickdexter Cross is made from limestone, and is also referred to as the Baronstown Cross. It contains inscriptions, figure images, and heraldic shields across its four sides.
West Side = An image of Saint Peter is shown holding a set of keys with an inscription underneath: “pray you Saint Peter for the souls of Oliver Plunket, Lord Baron of Louth, and Dame Jenet Dowdall, his wife.”
East Side = An image of Saint Patrick holding a crozier in one hand, and giving a blessing with the other. The inscription below says: “ I pray you Saint Patrick, pray for the souls of Oliver Plunket, Lord Baron of Louth, and Dame Jenet Dowdall, his wife.”
North Side = This side contains a shield with the initials O.P and J.D inscribed on it. Underneath, the inscription says: “This cross was builded [sic] by Dame Jenet Dowdall, late wife unto Oliver Plunket, Lord Baron of Louth, for him and for herself in the year of our lord god 16.. which lord deceased the 5 of March 1607, and buried in the Church of Saint ‘Tere/In’ Tallanstown, whose soul I pray god to his mercy Amen Jesus.”
South Side = Above another shield are the initials M.T and L.B, with an inscription below: “IHS Mary, Hail Mary full of grace, our lord is with thee, hail sweek virgin, the mother of god, the very excellent queen of heaven, pray for the souls of Oliver Plunket and Dame Jenet Dowdall, his wife, for thy sweet son’s Jesus sake.”
Visit Historic Environment Viewer for more information on Carrickdexter Cross
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This national monument is protected in accordance with the National Monuments Acts 1930 to 2014
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