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Oidhreacht Éireann

Knockdrum Stone Fort

A restored Stone Fort overlooking the Atlantic Ocean

Unguided sites

Contae Chorcaí

Knockdrum Stone Fort

A restored Stone Fort overlooking the Atlantic Ocean

Unguided sites

Contae Chorcaí


Knockdrum Stone Fort

Located near the charming seaside village of Castletownshend is Knockdrum Stone Fort. Perched on a small hilltop, overlooking stunning views of the Atlantic Ocean, it is worth the 80-step climb to the top.

Likely dating back to the Neolithic period, this fort shows evidence of being used as a lookout point, with a sentry chamber situated near the entrance.

Restored circa 1860, this fort contains the foundations of what was possibly a house within its borders, with a souterrain, or underground passage, close-by.

Inside the fort there is a stone with a cross carved onto it, and outside is another stone bearing cup-marks. These markings are often associated with Neolithic monuments, and are one of the most common rock designs in Ireland.

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This national monument is protected in accordance with the National Monuments Acts 1930 to 2014

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